Many times you find out a bit about businesses through the eyes of the owner, or the employees tell a story. My story is quite unique and somewhat surprising, but what things about our company are not really known to the public? Let's find out:
Fahl Designs has made well over 1000's Logos. Most being for small business right here in BC, but many concepts as well for companies all across North America.
Fahl Designs has had the pleasure of working with the Canadian Premier League (Pro Soccer), PJHL (Pacific Junior Hockey League), InnHouse Group of Companies, North Delta Business Association and Tsawwassen BIA.
Fahl Designs work can be seen in many unique places such as North Carolina, England, Japan, California, Newfoundland and even Australia.
Fahl Designs work has been featured at Liquor Stores, products on shelves across the lower mainland as well as billboards in Vancouver.
As an avid brand collector, Matt has a very expansive collection of bottle caps. Some from South Africa, Brazil, Australia and Siberia.
The majority of clients that Fahl Designs has worked with own their small business as a second job. They have a side project and employ Fahl Designs to help them get it going!
